Sunday, April 1, 2012

Flip the Coin


The war museums in Hanoi showcase remnants of fighter planes, bombers, tanks, artillery and images, painting a Vietnamese perspective of the Vietnam War, which they call the American War. It succinctly tells a harrowing story of a tiny nation’s fight for survival. It speaks of anguished cries, and torn limbs from small frames and chinky eyes. Of carpet bombings and Napalm burnings. Then I came face to face with disfigured third and fourth generation Agent Orange victims in an orphanage. What a haunting sight! Like ghosts of a lost generation, they are breathing testaments to the atrocities of the past.
100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100

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