Tuesday, November 20, 2012

200th Post With Mark Twain

Pardon this break in the 100-word-rule. This is a 200-word-post, 100 each for myself and Mark Twain. Now, he and I had something in common – a watch that needed repair because one day, it stopped. The uncanny resemblance in our state of affairs is narrated by Mark Twain himself:

“The regulator wants pushing up” sayeth the repairman as told by Twain. “And my watch begin to gain. It gained faster and faster day-by-day. At the end of two months it was thirteen days ahead of the almanac….” Unsatisfied, he consulted another. “It needed cleaning and oiling besides regulating” says him. “And my watch slowed down. It gradually drifted back…. until the world was out of sight. And had this fellow-feeling for the mummy in the museum, and a desire to swap news with him.” Not wanting to give up he went on to another. “There’s something the matter with the hair-trigger” it diagnosed. “It did well now,” says Twain “except that always at ten minutes to ten the hands would shut together like a pair of scissors, and from that time forth they would travel together....”

Together, in celebration of this 200th milestone, I share this post with Mark Twain.
100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100 anecdotes 100

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